26 August 2013

Didn't think it'd come this fast but..

I'm already homesick. A week plus here and i'm already sick of it. I never understood other's hype when I was about to leave for I wasn't excited myself. I thought i'd feel the excitement when I got here but it was just a mere short-lived delirium. I don't know what triggered this grey cloud. Twas probably that Skype call back home where my aunt went "you sound happy" while deep down my voice was hinging on cracking and my soul screamed "nak balik". Or it was probably a Whatsapp message from a friend back home while waiting for the bus to Walmart which read "Don't tell me you're alone" and my reply was that I wasn't alone while in reality I felt hella lonely. Don't get me wrong, I got settled in and I made friends and all but nothing beats a sense of familiarity; nothing beats being at home. I realized how bored and uninspired I've become over my 10 days here. I stopped bringing my camera around wherever I go because I thought to myself "why capture something you're stuck with for the next couple of years?". Squirrels are cute, but all I want to see is the back alley cats when I throw out the trash on Friday nights. And man, how I miss eating warm white rice, talk about bread overload for the past couple of days. 

I'm not trying to get myself stuck in pessimism, but I do ask myself "when will the unfamiliar start to feel familiar?" 

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