1 June 2013

Ya nasties.

Don't think i'll be able to re-live this at PSU:

1) Going to Dave's Deli every month

2) Those hurried runs from Subang Parade to Subang Avenue because you folks have class at 1 p.m

3) Wandering around and oogling at stuff all those snacks/drinks/desserts at Cold Storage

4) Buying those snacks/drinks at Cold Storage only to realize they tasted way below our expectations

5) Going to Subang Parade on my birthday and seeing that dude wearing a top like my sweater and we all went "Bitch stole my look"

6) Sitting in my favorite spot of the library (level 5, in the corner tepi discussion room tu)

7) Doing last minute work together

8) Not to forget, those cholesterol inducing trips to Arisan

9) Those disappointing movies we watched last semester (erm Oz, you sucked)

10) Wendy's!

11) Singing along to whatever song that came up on the car radio 

12) Trying to tolerate each other's fandom; Barca, K-Pop and Taylor Swift

13) That YOLO day we had when we went to have bagels at SS15, watched 'Warm Bodies' at Pyramid and went to Taipan for Nando's where we really embraced the term "bottomless" and ceaselessly refilled diet coke.

14) Going to Genting for the first time with you folks and realizing what a non-daredevil I am unlike you two

15) How refreshing it was to see you guys again after two weeks

I absolutely dread the fact that we're all going separate ways. I honestly can't picture myself being in an environment where we're hours away from each other. Hopefully you guys will come across this someday because I just can't bring myself to tell you guys this in person but i'll really miss you two. I've never felt so comfortable in my own skin when we're all together and I just doubt that i'll find that again in the next two years.

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