Lately I've been a sucker for the film '500 days of Summer". My advice, don't watch it with your Mum who erm, tends to bring up a question about it every 10 minutes. One thing she asked (which was completely spot on) this: he likes her eh? so it's one sided lah? Yea ma, it's bertepuk sebelah tangan.
I'm pretty sure many have identified themselves with Tom Hansen's situation. Admittedly, I did too.

See, the possibilities of that one person reciprocating to the way you feel can be as big as the moon or extremely slim. And then your just living your days riding on hope and wondering what those possibilities are for your part.

There's that tingling nervousness whenever you encounter him/her. Your tummy has probably more knots than you can find in the Queen Mary, your heart's giving you palpitations and your cheeks are going through some sort of blushing disorder. But then that one little chance encounter sets off an exuberance.. the kind that could make your whole day. And if a conversations hits off, you'll replay it over, and over in your head.

You've finally managed to find that little connection, hoping it's positive and that it'll bloom even more. But that connection does not at all mean that he/she feels the same way about you. You begin to think of a kajillion other 'what ifs' like: "What if it wasn't a sign.. what if he's just playing along.." And God, you over think it and it goes on and you start to worry yourself, senselessly.

Part of you is eager to take that risk (unfortunately I wasn't that brave, though I contemplated on doing so) and straight up confront the other person but that concern is always present. A) He/she might be indifferent towards you B) He/she probably will freak out or something towards your little confession C) Your friendship is on the line( cuz it better to just be friends and STILL be connected in some way rather than not having any ties what so ever with that person). If only things worked out like Tom, the girl he felt for did that. Heck, if only you were like Summer Finn and you asked me that.

Just don't start resting on your little "good place" for long. Things can go awry in a second. It may be your fault, or the other party's or neither. Shit happens. It's that simple. And to make it worse, you're pretty much are unable to do anything about it as
it's out of your hands.

"He believed that this time, his expectations would align with reality"
Best. Quote. Ever. from the film (well, for me at least). One of things that I absolutely loathe about the whole "bertepuk sebelah tangan" thing is that we'll tend to hope. Hope, pray and wait. Wait, and wait and when nothing ever seems to happen it sort of hits you a little and you begin to ask yourself: "should I continue chasing and wait for something that's completely uncertain or should I just let go and pray that my feelings could just go away easily". Unfortunately honey, feelings don't go away that easily. If you could only 'unlike' someone similar to how you would 'unlike' a Facebook status. You can try, but boy.. it'll be excruciating. I mean look at Tom, from an "I love us" to "Roses are red, violets are blue, fuck you whore."

There are two outcomes; it may end up being something or it may end up being nothing. Whichever it ended up being, just be thankful you've been blessed for having a person that you considered as 'special' to have entered your life. If it's positive, then Alhamdullilah, cherish all of your moments with him/her regardless of whether it's ups or downs. If it wasn't what you expected, don't fret and as cliche as it seems things happen for a reason, and sometimes it's for the better.
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